
Arduino Program to turns on LED when the button is pressed once and remains on until the button is pressed again to turn it off


Arduino Program to turns on LED when the button is pressed once and remains on until the button is pressed again to turn it off

Components Needs

Component Name Quantity
Arduino Uno R3 1
Green LED 1
1k Ω Resistor 2
Push Button 1

Arduino Program to Turn On LED with Button Press and Toggle State

This Arduino project involves writing a program to control an LED with a push button. The goal is to turn the LED on when the button is pressed once and keep it on until the button is pressed again to turn it off. This behavior is achieved by implementing a toggle mechanism in the program, where each button press changes the state of the LED.

Here's a brief description of the process:

  • Button Debouncing: The program handles button debouncing to ensure that a single press is accurately detected, avoiding multiple triggers from a single press.
  • State Management: The program maintains the current state of the LED (on or off) and toggles this state each time the button is pressed.
  • Digital Input and Output: The button is connected to a digital input pin, and the LED is connected to a digital output pin on the Arduino board.

This project is suitable for beginners who want to learn about digital input/output, state management, and debouncing techniques in Arduino programming. It provides a practical example of how to use a button to control an LED and implement a toggle switch in a microcontroller environment.

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