
Arduino program to Control blinking speed of led using the potentiometer


Arduino program to Control blinking speed of led using the potentiometer

Components Needs

Component Name Quantity
Arduino Uno R3 1
Any LED 1
1 kΩ Resistor 1
100 kΩ Potentiometer 1

This Arduino project demonstrates how to use a potentiometer to control the blinking speed of an LED. The potentiometer, a variable resistor, allows for dynamic adjustment of resistance, which is read by the Arduino board as an analog input. This input is then used to modulate the delay interval of the LED's blinking pattern. By rotating the potentiometer knob, users can seamlessly vary the blinking speed from fast to slow, showcasing the principles of analog-to-digital conversion and the practical application of variable resistors in controlling electronic circuits. This project is ideal for beginners looking to understand the basics of analog input, LED control, and interactive programming with Arduino.

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