- The external style sheet be written in any text editor but must be saved with a .css extension.
- CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets.
- Background perorpert is used to define the the background effects on element.
- The property in CSS used to change the background color of an element is background-color.
- The property in CSS used to change (set) the text color of an element is color.
- Inline stylesheet uses the style attribute in the HTML start tag.
- border-style property is used to specify the border type which your want to display on the webpage.
- position CSS property sets how an element positioned in a document.
- fixed value of position always fixes the position of the element relative to the viewport.
- padding property is used as the shorthand property for the padding properties.
- CSS font-style property is used to specify an italic text.
- text-decoration property is used to underline, overline, and strikethrough text.
- margin property is used as the shorthand property of the margin properties.
- The default value of "position" attribute is relative.
- #symbol is used to select an element with a specific ID in CSS.
- "." is used for CSS class.
- Universal selector is declared by *(Astrick).
- border property defines in a shorthand form of the width, style, and color for all four sides of an element's border.
- font-family properties is used to change the font of text.
- # is used for Hex color Code / ID
- margin-left property is used to change ethe left margin of an element.
- normal, italic, oblique is a value for font-style property.
- font-size CSS property used to control the element's font size.
- border spacing is given in Pixel.
- border-top property defines a shorthand form of the width, style, and color for the top border.
- -webkit is the CSS Extension prefixes for Webkit.
- border-right-color property defines the color of an element's right border.
- border-right-style properties defines the style for the right border of an element.
- word-spacing CSS text properties defines the minimum and maximum space between words.
- ,example is used to select the elements with the class name "example".
- :first-of-type selector selects the element that is the first child of its parent that is of its type.
- border-bottom-left-radius CSS property defining bottom-left corner shape of the border.
- border-bottom-width CSS property is used to sets the width of an element's bottom border.
- <style>tag{property:value}</style> represents an internal style sheet.
- body{font-size:20px;} is the correct CSS syntax written inside the style tag.
- Collapse separate and inherit are the appropriate value for border-collapse.
- border-collapse CSS property is used for collapsing the borders between table cells.
- border-collapes property sets the table borders collapsed into a single border.
- border property is used to specify table borders in CSS.
- id attribute specifies a unique alphanumeric identifier to be associated with an element.
- p.style is used to apply style to para's having class 'style'. (There are other elements with same class name)
- You can make all paragraph elements 'RED' in color by using any of the following
- p{color:red;}
- p{color:rgb(255,0,0);}
- p{color:rgba(255,0,0,1);}
- background-attachment property is used to control the scrolling of an image in the background.
- The output of below mentioned code snippet will be Strong element within a p element have yellow background.
p strong{background-color:yellow;} - vertical-align:sub is used to specify the subscript of text using CSS.
- The correct CSS syntax for making all the <P> elements bold p{font-weight:bold;}
- You can use the following code to add a background color for all <h1> elements.
h1{background-color:#FFFFFF;} - You can make a list that lists iterms with squares in the css by using list-style-type:square property.
- text-stroke property is used to add stroke to the text.
- You can make each word in a text start with a capital letter by using text-transform:capitalize
O Level Important Points of CSS | Web Designing Important Points for O Level Examination
Published: 18 सितंबर 2023,
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